Ask The Dentist
Welcome to Ask Parkview Dental Associates (Ask PVDA), where our dentists and hygienists answer the most common dentistry-related questions we receive from patients. Parkview Dental Associates, SC has been serving the Sun Prairie, Deforest, Madison, Marshall, and Columbus communities since 1969. We offer a comprehensive array of services, including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. The purpose of this blog is to improve oral health literacy, to encourage proactivity in maintaining oral hygiene, and to empower our patients with accurate, up-to-date knowledge about disease prevention and dental treatment options in an easy-to-comprehend style. For additional resources and to submit a question in the comment box, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Recent Posts
Holiday Dental Tips to Keep Your Smile Merry and Bright!
The holidays are here—a time for joy, family, and, of course, delicious treats! While you’re decking the halls and filling your plates, let’s make sure your smile stays as dazzling as those twinkling lights. Here are some tips to keep your teeth happy during the...
The Case Against Xylitol
Does Xylitol Cause Cardiovascular Disease? Recently, Witkowski et al. published a study in the European Heart Journal titled “Xylitol is prothrombotic and associated with cardiovascular risk”. The authors concluded that xylitol increases the risk of blood clots and is...
Black Triangles
What is a “black triangle”? A “Black Triangle”, or clinically known as “Open Gingival Embrasure”, is the triangular space between two teeth that is not covered by gum tissue. Black triangles can make a person self-conscious because they can at times be mistaken for a...
Axeos CBCT Scan: How is it different from dental X-rays?
Unlike traditional dental X-rays, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Systems capture up to 1400 individual images during a single rotation and convert them into a high-resolution 3D image. The detailed 3D image provides dentists a superior overall view of the entire...
Caring for Your Child’s Teeth: Helpful Tips for parents and caregivers
Baby teeth (also called primary teeth) begin to erupt at around 6 months of age, and most children have a full set of 20 baby teeth by age 3. Baby teeth help your child chew and speak, give the face its shape, and hold space for the adult teeth (permanent teeth) to...
Flossing – A Game Changer!
At Parkview Dental Associates, we recommend flossing or cleaning with an interdental cleaner in addition to brushing daily. Cleaning between your teeth not only serves to dislodge trapped food debris, but it also removes a sticky film called plaque that contains...
Do adults benefit from topical fluoride treatment?
Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, is nature's cavity fighter. Fluoride strengthens the enamel and root surfaces of the teeth, making them more resistant to decay by preventing mineral loss and replacing lost minerals (remineralization). Fluoride also has...
Can Invisalign correct your bite?
Most people pursue Invisalign treatment for aesthetic reasons - to straighten crooked teeth or to close gaps between teeth. While your dentist wants you to have a nice smile, he/she is also thinking about your occlusion. What is occlusion anyway? In simple terms,...
DIY Teeth Whitening: Does it Work?
Numerous social media tutorials have surfaced in recent years claiming to deliver amazing results with DIY teeth whitening methods. Do they actually work? Are these methods science or fad? There are two types of whitening: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic whitening...
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Ask Parkview Dental Associates
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